1. はじめに
2. キャリアプランを英語で考える際のポイント
2.1. 「短期・中期・長期」の3段階で考える
- Short-term goal(短期目標): 1〜3年以内に達成したいこと
- Mid-term goal(中期目標): 3〜5年以内に達成したいこと
- Long-term goal(長期目標): 5〜10年後の最終的なキャリアの方向性
2.2. 英語のキャリアプランでよく使われるフレーズ
✅ I aim to ~(~を目指しています)
✅ My goal is to ~(私の目標は~することです)
✅ I aspire to become ~(~になることを目指しています)
✅ In the short term, I want to ~(短期的には~をしたい)
✅ In the long run, my vision is to ~(長期的には~を目指したい)
✅ I am eager to gain experience in ~(~の経験を積みたい)
✅ I plan to enhance my skills in ~(~のスキルを向上させる予定です)
3. 英語のキャリアプラン例文
3.1. 例文①:Webデザイナー
Short-term goal:
I aim to improve my design skills and gain hands-on experience in web design projects. I plan to enhance my proficiency in tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Figma, and HTML/CSS to create high-quality websites.Mid-term goal:
In the next three to five years, I aspire to become a UI/UX designer who can create user-friendly and visually appealing designs. Additionally, I would like to take on more responsibilities in managing design projects and collaborating with developers.Long-term goal:
In the long run, my vision is to become a creative director who leads a team of designers and develops branding strategies for global companies. I also plan to mentor junior designers and contribute to the industry by sharing my knowledge.
3.2. 例文②:Webマーケター
Short-term goal:
My short-term goal is to gain practical experience in digital marketing, particularly in SEO, PPC advertising, and social media marketing. I also aim to obtain a Google Analytics certification to strengthen my data analysis skills.Mid-term goal:
In three to five years, I aspire to become a digital marketing manager who can develop and execute effective marketing campaigns. I want to work on global projects and enhance my strategic thinking in online marketing.Long-term goal:
My long-term goal is to become a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and lead an international marketing team. I hope to drive brand growth and innovation through data-driven marketing strategies.
3.3. 例文③:ITエンジニア
Short-term goal:
My short-term goal is to enhance my technical skills in web development, particularly in JavaScript, React, and Python. I plan to work on real-world projects and improve my problem-solving abilities.Mid-term goal:
In the next three to five years, I aspire to become a full-stack developer who can handle both front-end and back-end development. I also want to contribute to open-source projects and gain experience in cloud computing.Long-term goal:
In the long run, I aim to become a CTO (Chief Technology Officer) and lead an innovative tech team. I want to develop cutting-edge software solutions and support the growth of startups through technology.
4. 英語でキャリアプランを伝える際のポイント
4.1. 企業のビジョンに合わせる
4.2. 抽象的な表現を避け、具体的に書く
❌ NG例: “I want to improve my skills and become successful.”(スキルを向上させ、成功したい)
✅ OK例: “I aim to master Google Analytics and develop data-driven marketing strategies to increase website conversions.”(Googleアナリティクスを習得し、データを活用したマーケティング戦略でサイトのコンバージョン率を向上させたい)
4.3. シンプルな英語でわかりやすく伝える
5. まとめ
✅ 「短期・中期・長期」の3ステップで整理すると、説得力が増す
✅ 「I aim to ~」「In the long run, my vision is to ~」などの英語表現を活用する
✅ 企業のビジョンと自分のキャリアプランをリンクさせる
✅ 抽象的な表現を避け、具体的に書くことで伝わりやすくなる
✅ シンプルで明確な英語を使うと、より理解されやすい